Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Late Nights + Friends + Sweet Tea + Intense Video Gaming = Weird Dreams

If you hadn't guessed already from the title, last night I had the WEIRDEST dream ever. First, background story about that night. I was hanging out with friends until about 4 AM playing Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (great game), all the while drinking about a gallon of sweet tea. When the sugar from the tea gets out of my system, and I actually fall asleep, it's about 5:30 in the morning. So then I dreamt (dreamed?). I apparently was a street racer who drove my mom's Ford Flex and always won. So then I was driving down the highway during one race, when a giant wave roared over the other cars, giving me the win. After that, I was driving along that same highway, when I saw my dad walking with a nun. So then I gave them a ride to McDonald's and we all got sweet tea....

Anyways, moving away from my insane dreams, have any of y'all ever heard of parkour? Some of you might know it as free-running. That is possibly the single coolest thing that anyone could ever learn how to do. Basically, it involves going from point A to point B using objects around you, usually in a city setting. So running on rooftops, flipping over fences, jumping over benches, and other moves such as that are normally incorporated.

For anyone who wants to see or learn more about this, here are some links to videos of people doing parkour (free-running):

And for anyone who is interested, I'm going to be starting up another blog, which is basically about learning about a different topic with every post! I probably won't post on that one as often as this, since that blog will take a little bit more research and work. Here's a link to the opening page: http://lovetolearnaboutit.blogspot.com/.

-Alex S.

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