Sunday, January 30, 2011

These next couple days have only one word that can describe them... INSANITY

Man, it seems like I just keep getting busier and busier as the school year goes on! It's absolutely insane how little time I have anymore for even the little things like blogging to all you good people out there. This week especially has been crazy. I had a retreat for my Confirmation all day on Saturday, Youth Group all day today, and then tomorrow I have Confirmation Practice, and then I actually get CONFIRMED on Tuesday. Sorry, I think I just absolutely rambled on in that sentence. Oh well, you get my point.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm really excited to finally be getting Confirmed! I feel like I'm just about to take my first full steps into the real Catholic Church, and boy, let me be the first to tell you that it feels pretty dang awesome! I think that the part that really defined the entire experience for me was when I was doing my personal thinking about which Saint's name I would want as my own. Let me tell you, I thought about this FOR EVER! Because you want to pick a Saint who you really want to try and model your life after, and if you don't pick the right one now, you'll be sorry later! So I thought and I thought, and I finally settled upon a pretty cool Saint. His name is Saint Thomas Aquinas. In a nutshell, he's the scholar of the bunch. He is one of the more famous Saints, mostly because of all the different things he wrote about the Church.

But anyways, moving away from my personal Confirmation story, I just want to talk about some music really quick. I've always found that music is a way of expressing myself in ways where words can't. I say this because even now, a few days after the fact, it's hard to write about this. Just this past Tuesday, one of my former teachers died from a heart attack. What does this have to do with music, you ask? Well this teacher was the one who got me started playing the guitar, playing the piano, and just being an all-around geek. He was the kind of guy who you could go to for anything, and he would be able to help. He was kind and fair to every single person he came across, and he treated everyone like family, even if he had just met someone ten minutes ago. Practically everyone that had him as a teacher loved him, along with everyone who just met him in passing.
Well recently, because of this news, my music has become slightly more sad sounding, which I'm sure will dissipate over time though. It's a weird sound of music that I have never before heard from my guitar. I honestly didn't even know that the guitar was capable of making such sad sounds as these. So my point is that your emotions really DO have an effect on the way you play.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read this entry, long and drawn out as it may be. Follow, comment, etc. etc., and I'll see everyone back here on my next post

R.I.P. Mr. Cell. We'll miss you.

-Alex S.

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