Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Post With No Name

Ok, it's late, and I really can't think of any clever titles for this post. Cut me some slack.

Anyways, I had my first golf practice for school today. It was great, and I did great... until we started playing an actual round... Oh well, there's plenty more days to come! I mean hey, if I'm going to be playing every day of the week until the end of the school year, I guess that I'm bound to get better!

It's been a really weird week though, all my assignments piling on top of each other, along with my Confirmation (which happened on Tuesday, and was AMAZING!). Then having golf practice after school has left me with practically no free time at all. But that's ok, that's why someone invented the idea of Study Hall! That portion of my day has definitely been my saving grace this past week; it's really helped me keep my head on straight!

Pretty short post today, but I'm really tired, and I have to finish writing a speech for school (fun stuff right?), so I'll write a longer one later, because I know EVERYONE reading this thoroughly enjoys my writing... Right?

-Alex S.

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