Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Camp Gravatt CIT!

I'm really excited for this summer! I'm finally moving up to be a CIT (Counselor In Training) at Camp Gravatt! It's really sad though that I have to leave life as a Camper behind, because those summers were the best of my life. But I'm pretty sure that being a CIT, a JC (Junior Counselor), and then hopefully a Counselor will be even better! I mean heck, once I'm a Counselor, I'll get PAID to go help at the Camp that I love so dearly all summer! I don't think that I could ask for a better job to be honest.

What I'm really excited about though, is learning all the Gravatt campfire songs on my guitar (yea, I had to relate this to the guitar SOMEHOW!), because out of the four years I've gone as a camper, I've only managed to learn one song! I've always loved campfire; it's one of my favorite times out of the entire day, and I think that actually playing the music all Gravatt campers hold so near and dear to their hearts will be amazing!

Being a CIT this summer is going to be so great. Just being on the property brings memories flooding back into my brain, and when you add in the fact that not only am I there, but I'll be seeing my friends and learning how to be a Counselor, it's just overwhelming. If you live anywhere in the South-East United States, I HIGHLY suggest taking a look at Camp Gravatt. It's a great place to go to just get away from everything, and to get a closer relationship with God.

~Alex S.

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