Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Well it's finally Spring Break (for my school at least)! I'm finally free from my classes for a week of fun and relaxation... But oh wait... There's a chance of rain every day this week! Oh well, I'm sure that break will still be fun, and at the very least, at least there's no school!

So I went to Youth Group tonight, and all the Core Team members, Mike, and Emma all told their stories about why they believe and how they got to be where they are today. I found it all very inspiring, and it really got me thinking; why do I believe in the things that I believe in? Is there a set reason to it? It's really a mind boggling question! Because on the one hand, there's the orthodox answer "because I like it", but then there's that nagging thought that there MUST be a deeper reason, right?

So I leave you with that thought. Why do you believe in the things you believe in? And if you come up with an answer like "I was raised that way", or "Because I like it", then I highly encourage you to look a little deeper into your heart and mind, and try to figure out specifically why you believe.

Peace be to you all!

~Alex S.

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